Kiss me when the music stops
Kiss me when the
kiss me when the
kiss me when the mu-sic stops.
I’ve been thinking all week
how happy we could be
if I told you how I feel.
Each night I fall asleep
dreaming lonely dreams
but I know our love is real.
Maybe tonight’s the night
you come close and hold me tight.
All we need is one good song.
Dance with me all night long.
Kiss me when the music stops.
The time’s right to make our mark.
Only you can fill my heart.
Kiss me when the music stops.
Never been good at romance,
never got a second chance
to tell you how I feel.
Tonight I’ll have a chance
to show you while we dance
that my love is real.
Swept up in passion,
real talk no captions,
lights camera action.
Know that I’m feeling ya babe.
Goose bump attraction.
Pinch me it happened.
Lights they were flashing,
flashing like they wanted to say:
Baby tonight’s the night
you come close and hold me tight.
All we need is one good song.
Dance with me all night long.
Kiss me when the music stops.
The time’s right to make our mark.
Only you can fill my heart.
Kiss me when the music stops.